Wednesday, March 5, 2014

march 5 2014

5 place i would like to visit

  1. ive already been. but italy. venice! its so beautiful i want to go again!
  2. ive been here too but paris france... i havent been to disney land their so i want o go cus of that.
  3. hawaii!!!
  4. cuba maybe?
  5. and perhaps china...
ohh and in my video i said new york too. to shop not live. 
well thats pretty much it. :) i have to hurry cus i have to clean before my sister in law comes over!
and i hope you guys will send me a leter picture or drawing!!!! 
id love to hear from you all!!!
and make my wall pretty!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4 2014

hello everyone!

today is the 4th day of march so the 4th blog and video.

is .....

whats the meaning behind my username.

well i cant really say much except i used to and still love the game candy land. its a board game
and i wish i could get it somehow..
its around 25 dollers on ebay, but over here thats 5000 forints. witch is reallly expencive..
so anyways. i love that game and 
when i wanted to upload my video to youtube i had to make an account.

and pick a name.
my love for anything sweet candy related... i wanted candyland..
buttttt..... i desided to use my name for my "land"  so i got jennie land.

but it wouldnt let me cus someone else had it. so i thought of 01.
and it worked.

then later people told me do an english one. so i made jennieland02.
blog is the same so its eaiser to remember and find.
and well thats pretty much the whole meaning...

my video will be up later today :)
have a great day everyone!
tomorrow if you want ot know or do this challenge with me... willl be.

5 places you want to visit.

Monday, March 3, 2014

march 3 2014

your day in great detail..

well kinda boring but here goes nothing!!

  1. i wakeup when ellie wakes up. around 8:30 9  she sucks her thumb and talks.
  2. i go pee. haha 
  3. i open the blinds.
  4. tell ellie GOOD MORNING!!
  5. go make her formula.
  6. comeback get her dressed and changed.
  7. feed her.
  8. burpher
  9. put her in a baby chair thing.
  10. make the bed
  11. put her on the bed with the feeding pillow.
  12. turn on music and workout.
  13. then play or feed ellie again.
  14. have her go to bed.
  15. do dishes laundry anything i can before she wakes up.
  16. open the window and mop the floor.
  17. close window.
  18. make carrots or cook a potato. for ellie.
  19. she wakes up.
  20. i make apple sause with the carrots or potato.
  21. feed her.
  22. give her juice.
  23. change her 
  24. she goes to bed or we play....   for a long time..
  25. feed her formula at 4 sometimes. she goes to bed. 
  26. gabi gets home at 5 
  27. if ellies up he goes and plays, if shes sleeping we talk.
  28. he gives her a bath eevery night.
  29. i make her formula and bring her 2 drops of vitamin d and feed her.
  30. then burp her
  31. then she goes to bed.
  32. we talk, eat  or he plays games on the computer or our tablet. i read.
  33. we take a shower
  34. we watch a movie or go to bed... or live our married life.
  35. then the next day it starts all over again.

not so cool but it is what it is. theirs days when wayyyy more happends. and days where olny this happens.
this is just the magyority of my day. and the have to do stuff.

and today i just saw that ellie is not just getting 1 or 2 teeth at 1 time... shes getting 8!! i cant believe it nor have heard of a baby getting 8 teeth at once and at almost 5 months... 6 on top and 2 on bottom. i accedently saw the bottoms.
usally i cant see it because she wont let me and sticks her toung out. but the tops are clear as day!! if i can ill take a pucture. i dont know what the qualaty will be but im telling you. 6 on top 2 on bottom!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

march 2 2014

Hello everyone!

i saw some of you read my last post and watched my video! thank you!!!!

today is a new one.

even though its short. lets get started!

10 things you like and 10 you dislike.


  1. sushi
  2. books. i know i said yesterday i like to read but i really really like to read!
  3. anything pink
  4. candles
  5. pillows, all kinds decortive and the ones you sleep on i love them 
  6. nice people
  7. makeup suprise suprise
  8. the ocean.  i love how it looks under water. and im  kinda obsessed with mermaids too. not just sharks and pandas.
  9. anything that has sparkle!  Gabi used to tell me im so girly that when ellie will be born shell have sparkles all over her and in her vains and holding a lipstick and mirror. :) 
  10. pictures! i love art! paintings photgraphs i love them all if im in it takeing it or looking at it! i love it. probally because i  love color but even the black and white ones are so beautiful.

10 things i dislike.  (warning.. a lot of it is different tyes of people)

  1. shaving, waxing, dying my hair, getting my eyebrows done.  sure i feel so much better after but i really dont like the prosses im not one for pain.
  2. people who dont understand. like if you say something 20 times they still wont get it. even if u dumb it down.. 
  3. if its too cold outside
  4. if its too hot outside inside anywhere anything soup or food or drinks i cant stand it. i cant eat it or drink it i have to wait till it cools,.. yup, thats another one..
  5. waiting. ughhhh i can almost say i hate waitng. i was told by my sister one day when i was really little that your never  supposed to say hate. only dislike or realllllyyyy dislike but never hate.. well i reaallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy dislike waiting. :)
  6. i also very much reallllllyyyyyyyy dislike alsmost as much as waiting is... i know i know i have to do it but.... drinking water. yuck i really dont like that at all. if i could i would never drink it.  i dislike it so much my mom askes me and hands me water and MAKES me drink it infront of her.. remind you im 20 married and have a child...
  7. dirty looks and negitive people.
  8. throw up.   im actualy afraid of it. well if i do it im scared to throw up. and i dont like it when ellie spits up either i feel bad for her, and its kinda gross. 
  9. also i dont like it when the house is a mess. if i could i would scrubb the whole place every day and not let anyone in. haha i dislike messes.
  10. and i dislike  "beating around the bush"... if you dont want to go somewhere or dont want to do something stop beating around the bush just say it.

those are my 10 likes and dish likes. :)

haha speaking of dish. i dislike doing dishes to, ;)

video up later today!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1 2014

Hi everyone!!
im back!
and i got some great news!  first off im doing a 30 challenge, so every day im writing a blog and making a video.
if your interested in the videos then go to jennieland02 on youtube. and ill be making one everyday. for  30 days.
their fast easy ones so they wont be 10 minutes or more. mor like 3 to 5.
im not promising that their wont ever be a video thats more than 10 minutes, or that i can get one up every day. but ill try my best. and if i forget one day 
or some how cant upload ill put 2 in one.
or 2 up in one day.

and youll be seeing a lot of ellie because shes  not a sleep baby any more. and to make the videos i might have to hold her the whole time. she gets kind sad if she cant see me hear me or isnt in my arms.

anyways, the blog and the videos are the same thing. so if you dont want to read you can watch and if you dont want to watch you can read. and if you dont want ether, well then... theirs pelenty of other things to do :)

this isnt the only 30 day challenge im doing. im doing one on instagram, 31 days because its march pictures, and im doing a workout one to. just im sick right now and i know your not supposed to work out when sick. but if i dont start now ill never do it. i know my self way to well. haha

and i do want to let you know... that ive been in hungary for 4 almost 5 years now.
and i have changed i got married had a baby. im not the same person i was. my likes and dislikes my attitude and outlook has changed.

im just stating this because if any one actually reads this or watches my videos their probally thinking she wasnt like this before, and that kinda stuff.

anywasy with that out of the way, lets begin.

March 1 2014

write 10 basic things about yourself.

  1. im 20 years old
  2. im a mom of a soon to be 5 month old.   shes gowing way to fast!
  3. im a wife. next month on the 6th will be 1 whole year 
  4. i like to read!
  5. i love make up
  6. i love sharks and pandas.
  7. i actually love all animals. except for snakes bugs and frogs
  8. i believe in god. 
  9. my family means everything to me.
and 10.. well i said im american in my other blog  so in this one ill say im half. american but half hungarian. from my mom.

pretty easy huh? well i hope i can do this every day. now if youll excuse me. im going to go record myself saying the same thing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

English youtube channel???


ohh boyyy have i been busy with Ellie!!

her tummy has been hurting and ive already tried 2 different things for her that the doctor said she can have.
they said not to give her tea so i havent been.
even though when i did she felt a little better...

but anyways she is 4 weeks as of today and then shell be 1 month old on the 8th. wow time is flying by soo fast!!

and shes getting so big now!

yesterday was a very crazy day. well not really more like annoying... because some few sites posted my whats in my bag video i have in hungarian on their site and i got a tn of views and even more rude remarks.. but i guess you have to take the bad when you get the good. and im fine with that.

and i kept getting messages on facebook and emails that i should make english videos. now i know i have that other channel jennieland02 on youtube and thought maybe if a few people wanted me too i could make a video every now and then. not really too much of makeup cus that takes a lot of time and like i said...
Ellies tummy hurts. 

butttt i can upload at least once a week. just let me know what you think. if i should or if you would want to watch it. so not only will my hungarian viewers that understand it can watch but so can all of you who read my blogs :)

even if its just 1 or 2 of you :)
let me know what you would like to watch. or something..

it can be me talking about anything. or some out fit of the day... well we´ll have to wait on that on untill were 6 weeks cus were not really going anywhere right now.

or it can be some advice. or answers to your questions. updates on things. every now and then a makeup tutorial if ya want. you guys pick!! :))

i hope you all are having a wonderful day today!! 


Monday, October 21, 2013

the scoop on poop!

i dont have to much to write today.

because Elllie slept almost all day long.
well its not a bad thing because shes growning.

but anyways... she ate at 8 last night then at 11. then at 5 am. after 8. then at 9:30 then again at 1 and shes still asleep and its almost 6 pm here..

so im guessing shes gonna wake up soon. so i have to hurry and write this blog while i can.

while she slept i watched a movie. then i slept too.

today she pooped a bigggg one again.

i had no cluse what to do because it was all over clothes. so i called my grandma. she came over and helped me. because i couldnt get her clothes off her with out getting her hair covered in poop.


anyways my grandma helped me. and shes good now.

 but i can hear her waking up and snorting so that means this mamas gotta go feed her little princess!!
